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A Film by Amit Shalev, 48 min, 2015

Set against the backdrop of a multifaceted global crisis that is worsening every day, and the waves of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiments that are growing stronger by the hour, one person is offering an improbable solution, which may just be the most logical one yet. “Into Truth” is a film that anyone who cares about Israel or the Jewish people should watch today. Trailing Kabbalah teacher, Dr. Michael Laitman, it is the fruit of five years of exclusive documentation, painting a picture that shatters conventions and crosses borders. More than a personal portrait, it is a riddle, a rare preview into a world view that calls for a reevaluation of the Israeli-Jewish identity and the familiar beliefs we were raised on.

Here's your free e-copy of the book Like a Bundle of Reeds ($15 value)

Like A Bundle of Reeds is an in-depth 200+ page book by Dr. Michael Laitman offering timely insights and tools by which to change the forbidding trend of anti-Semitism and bring about a wholly different perspective and solution to this age-old demon.

Download in document-pdfPDF, document-mobiKindle and document-epubePub formats.

4 eBooks written in response to the sharp rise of anti-Semitic crimes and threats that took place in 2014

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