Bnei Baruch Learning Center is
hosting a free, live, interactive video course
introducing authentic Kabbalah. |
Spring Semester 2010 Begins April 14, 2010 at 8pm EDT (Americas) & at 9:00pm GMT (U.K.) |
Welcome to the Bnei Baruch Learning Center! To play the video click inside the imageduration: 2 minutes 18 seconds
Veronica Mengana – Toronto, Canada |
"I had
no interest in spirituality for most of my life, although I always believed that
there was a "higher power."After hearing about Kabbalah on television and seeing
a lot of buzz around it in recent years I Googled "Kabbalah" and began my
journey. The connection with Bnei Baruch was immediate. I somehow knew I found
the truth. It was a very emotional experience going through all the videos on
the website, where Dr. Laitman touches upon issues that were very dear to me. I
saw how there was a totally genuine and original relationship from this man to
all kinds of topics, a genuineness that spoke from a much deeper or higher
place than anything else I’ve encountered. I enrolled in a course at the Learning
Center and since then, I have never felt the need to search elsewhere" |
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Mike Lyons – London,United Kingdom |
"I heard
the word "Kabbalah" from an early age. At first it seemed like it was a magic
formula. As years went by, I heard snippets about it from friends. I read
Michael Laitman's Attaining the Worlds Beyond, and that was
really some experience. On the back cover, it mentioned "Bnei Baruch," and so I researched a
little and enrolled in the Bnei Baruch Learning Centre course. With the kind
patience of the instructors I found that to find spirituality one has to find
the right environment for it and I finally found it. I was at the point of
giving up my 47 year search for the meaning of existence, but I never knew what
I was in for. Kabbalah as taught by Bnei Baruch is something entirely different
to every other method, it is pure spirituality, and has finally done justice to
the word." |
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Jennifer Federico – Wickliffe, Ohio |
"Growing up I explored different kinds of
churches and always questioned everything, and my questions led me to find all
sorts of cracks at the basis of every church I would attend. I found out about
Kabbalah through a friend and started studying at the Bnei Baruch Learning
Center. You wouldn't believe it but all the questions I had on my mind, which
Christianity wasn't solving, were being answered immediately. The instructors
were warm, loving and wise and I enjoyed every class I took. It's been a year
and a half since I started studying, and I haven't looked back." |
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Anna DiPalma – Toronto, Canada |
search for spirituality really started when I was seven or eight years old,
however in my childhood I had nowhere to search for spirituality. I finally
discovered Kabbalah in my forties and for the first time in my life I thought I
had something going in my search for spirituality. What really changed the
course of my life is picking up a Kabbalah Today newspaper. In fact a real
turning point happened one night in 2007 when Dr. Laitman gave a lecture in
Toronto. Upon meeting him I was extremely impressed with the answers he was able
to give me. That night I purchased books, began watching Kabbalah TV and started
studying at the Learning Center." |
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Jesse Mason – Detroit, Michigan |
grew up very loyal to the church, both because I feared eternal damnation, and
because much of my mom's family attended there and I love them very much. In
college and especially after 9/11 I spent countless hours online and my
worldview unraveled as I lost my trust for authorities, religious, political or
otherwise. I stopped going to church and studying the Bible, and I started
studying history, world religions and their origins, trying to understand what
is actually going on and why in the world. I searched YouTube for videos on
Kabbalah and after several videos I came across what is quite possibly the
single most important video I've ever seen: Perceiving Reality.
It was like gasoline was poured on the fire of my heart. I followed the link in the video to
the Bnei Baruch Learning Center's site and - lucky for me! - started the new
semester with the Learning Center the very next week." |
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Jocelyn Steeves – Sharbot Lake, Canada |
"I always knew that I was limited in my
perceptions but still felt an all encompassing reality existed. My husband was
attracted to the Bnei Baruch site because, unlike the others, it offered a free
course of studies with free books. They were not out to sell, they were there to
teach. I realized that Kabbalah was the method for attaining a completely
different reality to ours and the Learning Center has taught me the methodology
to attain this reality. Since starting at Bnei Baruch, and since the concepts
have sunk in, I feel like I'm on a path that's developing, like I'm
moving forward to a greater awareness of how this world works. It's truly
wonderful, and turns your everyday life into a moment by moment rollercoaster
ride. Kabbalah gave my life new purpose." |
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Jike Paramo, Mexico City MX |
had been looking for a long while and then I found the online course. It was
strange at the beginning because it was unusual not to be able to see the people
and to interact with them, but then I realized that the connection is deeper
than just sitting next to each other. It’s just an overwhelming experience and
it’s the most important thing I’ve ever done. Now when I look back I
wouldn’t really talk to the guy I was before I started studying. Instructors
make it so easy that is just feels that it all makes sense. It
was a life changing experience."
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Louise Pierce, Arlington, VA |
"My life has been a big search for that something I’ve never known. So I started with many disciplines but
after a friend sent me the Learning Center materials, I’ve never looked back.
I had no problems studying online. It’s indescribable because I’ve never
had this camaraderie before with other people. It’s different… the
Learning Center is entirely different and meeting other people is entirely
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Mikael Folkesson, Sweden |
"I searched, questioned and looked for answers everywhere. I came to Kabbalah and
it really changed everything, because it has the answers! Studying
spirituality online is great, in how you can really feel the connection, the
support, and the guidance coming from the others studying. I couldn’t
understand anything reading the books alone, and then, during the first class,
everything started opening up. It’s now after the course, and I’m a
new man. I discovered that there is an extraordinary purpose in life, and
I found my purpose. Although I now feel a great responsibility upon
myself, I feel secure and harmonious. I found profound answers to all
my questions that I can put to the test and develop."
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Sally Stroud – Klamath Falls, Oregon |
"I searched high
and low for meaning but no matter what I found I felt that it didn't go deep
enough toward the source. Once I came across Bnei Baruch it was an entire new
revelation for me. It made so much sense, and was the end of my search for
meaning. The Learning Center made it clear how Kabbalah is neither mysticism,
occultism, religion nor any of the other things people associate it with. It was
but something completely outside of anything I've read in all the other books
that just has to be tested to be believed. At the online course I took the
material was presented so clearly and made so much sense that I could see the
truth of what was taught right there before me." |
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Karen Modlin – Kohav Yair, Israel |
"I began to
seriously question the meaning of life as a teenager. My search led me to
existential literature, and studying Psychology in the hope of finding answers
to my questions, but even after years of study and being in Psychotherapy, I was
no closer to feeling at home with myself in the world. An inner emptiness led me
to try a variety of "spiritual" methods I was attracted to these but was unable
to really commit to them. I found Bnei Baruch through a friend and felt a real
connection to the study materials. I have been connected daily ever since and
this has been the fulfillment that I have been searching for. There is hardly a
lesson that does not cause me to cry, to tremble and to rejoice in this
discovery-that I am not alone, that there exists within all of us the ability to
deeply connect to one another, and that this "glue" that holds us all together
in love, is in fact the Creator!" |
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Ramon Quinn, Hampton VA |
- “Those
most important questions reappeared and I went searching. I found the
Learning Center on the Internet. It just reinvigorated my sense of hope
and my sense of purpose. I log on and start seeing everybody’s messages, the
greetings, the music and then everything starts happening. It is unlike
anything I’ve ever imagined before. It grabbed me by my heart and I couldn’t
let go. I have not become a totally different person but I am focused on
understanding myself. It’s an intense and compelling experience
that I want to be a part of instead of just eating, sleeping and working or
meeting my friends for drinks.”
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Noah Hornberger, Chicago IL |
- “In my
life, I experienced success easily, but I always felt terrible about everything
and nothing made any sense. I started searching, and came across the
Perceiving Reality series online, which led me to the Learning Center.
Initially, I was skeptical but immediately in the first lesson there was
warmth and clarity in the instructors, and I just knew that this was some
authentic wisdom. Through it, I’ve been brought from being very introverted
to being very friendly. Online, I was able to connect to people
without being self conscious and share this bond through the study. I now
look for what I can develop in other people, and have discovered, if only a
little bit of that immense energy that comes to you when you study this wisdom.
It’s unbelievable, and I recommend it strongly for anyone else out there
who’s searching and hasn’t tried it.”
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Peta de Havilland, London UK |
- “I thought “I found something that made sense.” I understood it very quickly
and it just seemed to fit really well. I’m coming to understand myself as a
person a lot better than I did three years ago. When you are studying online
it’s all live, so you can interact and communicate with your
tutors and other people who are studying at the same time. It feels like
you’re surrounded by thousands and thousands of people studying the same things
at the same time, however since the goal of the study is so uniting, these
thousands of people feel like one person. I’ve never felt such closeness
to people before. This wisdom holds wonders for people and for the world,
and I only hope others will be able to benefit from it like I have.”
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Wendy Harding, Hartford CT |
- “I’ve always been searching for something and I tried to find it in religion, in
healing… everywhere. Studying Kabbalah, you feel an amazing connection with
people you don’t even know. Even if you don’t see them, you just feel them.
It’s very hard to explain, but you feel a special kind of connection, and
goodness coming from this connection. It’s made my life a lot
richer and bigger than it was. When I met others studying, I feel like I
belonged to them, like I’ve known them all my life, even though I
haven’t. It’s a really strange connection, a good one. It’s like everybody is
friends no matter who you are, where you are from, what money or job you have –
it doesn’t matter.”
Janice R, Chicago |
- "I always tried to find an answer to the question of "what is it all for?" and never could. I didn't find the personal relationship with God that I was looking for in religion, and all Bible interpretations I received seemed too literal or not convincing enough to me. I followed various philosophies and was also left empty. When I came across Kabbalah years ago, I didn't understand what it was talking about but I wanted to know more. I took the free online course at the Bnei Baruch Learning Center, and after the first lesson I knew this was "it". I loved the articles we studied and the topics that we covered were fascinating. At one of the lessons we studied about the breaking of vessels. Once I saw what happened and our subsequent purpose in life, everything I had ever studied made sense. All my questions were answered and my path was clear."
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