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Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (The RABASH)

246- Concerning Shekalim – 2

Understanding the meaning of Shekalim, which is one of the things that perplexed Moses. RASHI writes, “He showed him a sort of ring made of fire whose weight was half a Shekel and said to him, ‘Such as this will be given.’” We need to understand why Moses was perplexed about it more than about other things. We should understand this matter that the Torah is eternal, so how is the matter of Shekalim relevant at this time? Also, why specifically half a Shekel? Half a Shekel is called “fissured the head.” It is written in The Zohar (Idra Raba, Item 20), “Every Galgalta brings reward for the white to Atik Yomin when they are counted under the scepter, and opposite that, he fissured the head below when they are counted.”

Baal HaSulam interpreted that Galgalta [head/skull] is called “beginning.” “Fissured” means breaking. “White” means faith and Dvekut [adhesion], and this is the meaning of giving the reward for the white, which is Dvekut to Atik Yomin.

To interpret his words, that “The Torah was written black fire over white fire,” black means the time of concealment and judgments that seem to a person as disrupting the work of the work of the Creator. When foreign thoughts come to a person, they prevent him from making efforts and exertions in the work, and he might fall into cessation of faith and separate from Dvekut with Him. That state is called “A time of blackness.”

When he overcomes his state and draws upper light, this is called “brightness” and “white.” It follows that by having concealments, which is called “blackness,” he needs to draw the upper light. It follows that this is what causes him to be rewarded with high degrees.

Concerning half a Shekel: Why was not a whole Shekel given, but specifically a half? The Zohar interprets that the meaning of half is “The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a Shekel.” It explains there in the Sulam [Ladder commentary on The Zohar] that every degree has “right” and “left,” and Shekel is the balance, to weigh that there is not more Hassadim than Hochma, and not more Hochma than Hassadim.

We should also understand this in the literal meaning, that it is known that a person does not make a single move unless he weighs its benefits, whether he will gain something. At that time, he has the strength to make a move. Otherwise, he will remain at rest.

When a person wants to make a move in order to bestow, if he begins to weigh its benefits, the body objects to him because it does not see what it can gain if he acts in order to bestow.

At that time, his only counsel is prayer. This is the meaning of what our sages said, “A prayer makes half.” It was said about this, “The Lord helps us,” which our sages explained, “Were it not for the Creator’s help, he would not overcome it.” It follows that a person can only give half, which is a prayer, and the other half the Creator gives.

This is why it was said, “The rich shall not give more.” One who is rich in knowledge and in attributes cannot do anything but pray, since without help from the Creator, he cannot overcome it.

The “poor” is one who does not have the intellect and knowledge and good attributes. He will not diminish the praying. In other words, in this, everyone is equal, for everyone needs the Creator’s help so we can make any movement in order to bestow. For this reason, we should give only half a Shekel, meaning after he determined that he wants to work in order to bestow, he should give half, meaning a prayer, for “a prayer makes half.”

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