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1. There is None Else Beside Him - lessons

Article "There is None Else Beside Him" - Lesson 2

We said that the whole wisdom of Kabbalah is intended to bring a person to the perception of the actual reality, because all a person needs to do is to feel the state he is actually in. One's tools of perception only perceive a small part of reality and they even corrupt its perception. That small part of reality that one incorrectly perceives is called "this world." The goal of the method of Kabbalah is to correct this perception and expand it to a state where one will feel himself in full perception, will sense where he actually is and what force he is connected with. This is the purpose of all our actions: the studies, our efforts in the group and in dissemination. All of this is to correct one's tools of perception, to reach the revelation of actual reality or the revelation of the Upper Force, the Creator...

Article "There is None Else Beside Him" - lesson 1

This is the basic article about all of man's work. That's why I put it in the book first...

Article "There is None Else Beside Him" - lesson on October 23, 2005 (evening)

This is the last talk of this congress and therefore it should be devoted to what precisely we have to correct and carry out when we aren’t together in such a large group, but are physically separated from each other...

Article "There is None Else Beside Him" - lesson on October 23, 2005 (morning)

We have been talking a lot about group, about the necessity of unification. We have been talking about phases a person undergoes in our world, about emergence of the Universe which took place 15 million years ago, and then about emergence of our Earth and of a human being on it; about the path of a human being – how he evolved on the Earth, what is the purpose of his existence, whether people are temporary on the Earth and in the Universe...

There is None Else Beside Him - virtual lesson on February 4, 2003

It is customary in Kabbalah to split a lesson into two parts. The material oriented towards the spiritual, inner work of a person, is usually presented at the beginning of a lesson. A person needs it in order to get inspired and to understand the purpose of his study, why he needs the lessons, what he is resolving and achieving with their help, and what he is aiming at during his studies. That's why t he first part talks about his spiritual work and, in a way, evokes the correct desire (Kli) in him...

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