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Education Series

Conversations between Dr. Michael Laitman and educational professionals on people's personal and social upbringing and the raising of children...

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BigThink Interview with Michael Laitman

BigThink recently interviewed Michael Laitman on Kabbalah and its relationship to the economic crisis, money, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the ego, meditation and celebrities…

TV Interview with Michael Laitman, PhD on Bloomberg Show “Night Talk” with Mike Schneider

Mike Schneider, on Bloomberg’s “Night Talk,” interviewed Michael Laitman, PhD investigating Kabbalah from a variety of angles. The interview was composed of 3 parts, each detailing a specific angle on Kabbalah...

Todd Starnes, From The Radio Show “A Few Moments With,” Interview with Michael Laitman, PhD

What is Kabbalah? Is Kabbalah is a religion? Is it possible to study Kabbalah if you are a Christian, Muslim, or Jewish? How connected are celebrities to Kabbalah? Why are people getting attracted to Kabbalah in our world today? What can the average American family living in the suburbs get from Kabbalah? What is fun about studying Kabbalah?..

Technology, Business And Profit In An Interconnected Humanity

Steve Rubel, Senior Vice-President in Edelman Communications, the world’s largest PR firm, talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about technology, business and profit in an interconnected world...

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Connection Between People Is The Key To Happiness

Caroline Adams Miller, life coach, speaker, and practitioner of positive psychology talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about goal-setting and fixing the connections among people...

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Film & Storytelling In The Global Era

Filmmaker Joshua Zeman and Dr. Michael Laitman discuss film and storytelling in the global era...

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Finding Meaning In Life: If It’s Not Found Positively, It’ll Be Found Negatively

Dr. Kalman Kaplan, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, and Co-Author of A Psychology of Hope: A Biblical Response to Tragedy and Suicide talks about the crisis of purposelessness with Dr. Michael Laitman...

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Schools Should Teach Children Values Toward Their Environment, Not Only Subjects Toward Getting A Profession

Dr. Gary Marcus, director of the NYU Infant Center, Professor of Psychology at NYU, editor of the Norton Psychology Reader, and author of 3 books on the development of the mind, talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about evolution, free choice, selfishness and education...

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Financial Crisis & The World’s Future

Hank Sheinkopf, political public affairs & governmental affairs consultant for over 30 years, talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about the financial crisis, its causes and possible solutions...

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How To Reach People With The Message Of Positive Change

John St. Augustine, host of Oprah Radio’s John St. Augustine Show and author of Living an Uncommon Life and Every Moment Matters, talks with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman about the growing dissatisfaction with life that a lot of people face, and how to bring a solution to this problem...

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Changing The Use Of Media To Incite Positive Global Change

Judith Regan, publisher and radio show host, who talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about the media’s influence over people’s lives...

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A New Era Of Mutual Cooperation Between Science And Spirituality

Theoretical physicist Dr. Amit Goswami talks with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman through meeting points between quantum science and spirituality in a discussion about human consciousness and perception, focusing on the point where people cannot perceive in their inborn senses...

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Sports Must Change

Michelle LaFountaine, sports broadcaster and anchor on ESPN English News, talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about unfair competition in sports...

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Make A Better Person Of Yourself By Connecting With Others

Neale Donald Walsch’s book series Conversations with God has developed from self-help topics to broader ones, concerning humanity as a whole...

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Creating Media About What Is Happening To People

Director and documentary filmmaker Alex Jablonski discusses the responsibility of media creators in today’s world with Dr. Michael Laitman...

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Personal Change, Social Change And Global Change

Don Miguel Ruiz, guide, Shaman, master of the Toltec Tradition, and author of The Four Agreements talks about personal, social and global change with Dr. Michael Laitman...

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The Highest Form Of Human Engagement

Moby, musician, singer-songwriter and DJ, talks with Dr. Michael Laitman about human interactions and music...

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The Economic Crisis And The Need For A New Education

Dr. Michael Laitman’s interview with Michael Khazin, owner of the Internet’s most popular discussion board on the world crisis, on the economic crisis and the need for a new kind of education...

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Psychological Counseling at the Time of Crisis (Part 1)

Education is the most painful problem of humanity because there is nothing else but education. If we could correctly bring up one generation, the following one would be right; it would correctly bring up their children and from then on everything would be fine...

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Psychological Counseling at the Time of Crisis (Part 2)

According to the science of Kabbalah, all of humanity is one organism, and in general the universe is one organism. We gradually reveal this. The globalization that is being revealed to us now should lead us to the same result, to the same conclusion. If it is a unified organism, then all of its parts are interconnected just as they are in our physiological organism, in which each organ and each cell knows what it is doing, why and how it exists, and works for the whole organism...

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The Reasons behind the Financial Crisis

According to the global law of nature we will achieve balance with it anyway. Humanity will rise to the level of “man” from its current animate level, either by way of suffering or by way of wisdom...

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An Age When Children Are Wiser than Adults – An Age of Crisis

Kabbalah is precisely the science in which humanity will someday understand. Humanity will understand that it’s possible to manage our fortune and to sense our world as eternal and perfect, when we’ll stop identifying ourselves with a body, and start identifying ourselves as a human being outside of us. This can happen today, in this life...

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Expert says Kabbalah best understood as a science

Anyone (can) study Kabbalah... It really makes no difference whether you belong to a certain religion or you are completely secular. The wisdom of Kabbalah is beyond all that. It is totally unrelated and you can study it regardless of anything else you do in life, not just religion, but any other belief system or practice that you do...

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Radio Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on The Maria Sanchez Morning Show, Los Angeles

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD was interviewed on LA radio station “The Connection – 1590am” on The Maria Sanchez Morning Show...

The Freedom to Know

Kabbalah is the method that reveals the Force that creates and governs all life. What could be more practical than to learn what creates and governs all of reality, to learn how it does it, and to eventually be able to do the same? If you knew this was possible, wouldn’t you want it?..

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Spiritual Geography

Kabbalah studies the theory of knowledge, of perception. Hence, the main issue in Kabbalah is finding out what we really are and why we perceive the surrounding world this way. Subsequently it turns out that we subjectively perceive reality exactly as it is reflected by our sense organs...

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On Love and Marriage

Love is the main quality in the universe. I'd say this is the only positive quality that moves, controls, and connects all of its parts. It unites the elements of all structures: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and finally man's inner world. We call this unifying quality "love" or complete mutual acts of giving. All nature submits to the law of universal love. The only exception is the human level on which we are given a free hand to do whatever we like, and we act in defiance of this law...

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The Purpose of Egoism

Journalist and anchorman Vladimir Molchanov interviews Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on the purpose of egoism, the situation with Israel in relation to its neighboring Muslim countries, the restoration of Nazi regimes, the behavior and practise of religious leaders, the increase of hatred, Kabbalah as a supranational concept, how Rav Laitman began studying Kabbalah, the laws of nature, the use of science in the world and its relation to Kabbalah, the spiritual root of political unacceptance of drug legalization, Kabbalah’s view on new-age gurus and movements, Zephath as a Kabbalistic center, Kabbalah’s view on amulets and icons as symbols of faith, the upbringing and education of children, the reason for Kabbalah’s widespread dissemination today and the sixth sense...

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I don’t Believe You

Kabbalah doesn’t envisage belief. It envisages cognition, attainment, revelation by senses and mind, by heart and mind...

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What is God?

Bestselling novelist Edward Topol interviews Rav Laitman on topics ranging “What is God?”, the Bible code, smoking, human evolution, judgment, body and soul, freedom of choice, and Rav Laitman’s personal life...

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Society’s Approval is the Greatest Reward

Kabbalah speaks about the fact that humanity must come to equal distribution of goods in society. We will be forced to come to this, but “with the help of a stick.” There is no way out of this. We will suffer until we understand the need for correction, but under no circumstance through forceful methods, but only through dissemination of this knowledge in society...

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The Way to a Man’s Heart

Today, our world is in such a state that we simply do not have the time to think matters over. We walk on the edge of a disaster and we must change ourselves in some way...

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Interview with radio Echo Moskvy

We are currently in a state in which it is being revealed that the whole of the world is gradually approaching a crisis, a general and all-embracing crisis in all fields of human activities. It is a crisis in science, art, literature, and family relationships. The crisis reveals itself in a huge number of suicides, depression, drugs and terrorism...

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Only the Heart Needs Correction

The science of Kabbalah is called the science of reception (the proper way to receive an absolute and constant pleasure.) And this can only be attained when man properly begins to work with the altruistic part of his desires, and then with his egoistic part. When he is able to bestow, to receive, then this common property, this desire appears in him, and he receives constant pleasure. He constantly feels like he is immortal, healthy, and perfect...

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Tal Asher’s Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD

Kabbalah says that before anything else, first of all we have to understand what kind of a world we live in. Who are we? What is the world around us? How are we interconnected with it? Generally, what is existence before birth and after death, beyond a person? What would exist if I did not observe that which seems to exist? What exists when there are no people who observe it through their eyes, ears and other senses? How would it appear? Relative to whom would it appear? How? First, we simply have to understand where we are and what we are...

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Enlightenment of Humanity

Human egoism has evolved to such a degree that it transformed the entire humanity into one small village. On the one hand, people today, are sensing that they greatly depend upon one another. This concerns all the countries in the world, and despite the fact that people don’t see it clearly, it is starting to reveal itself today, and in the full measure, but in the future this inter-dependence will be strengthened. On the other hand, people’s egoism has evolved such that they can’t stand each other and can’t live in peace with each other, not even within a family...

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This World Has Not Been Created In Vain

The uniqueness of Kabbalah is discovered only when man enters it. And then he understands in what way it is really unique. How can one speak about Kabbalah allowing man to enter the Upper World, the Spiritual World, eternity, perfection; to break away from this world while continuing to exist in it; to feel oneself simultaneously being inside a body and outside the body? We do not even have appropriate words to express these states. But followers of all other religions and teachings can say the same thing...

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What Lies Ahead of Us

Absolutely everything in nature is interconnected. If the smallest change happens somewhere (and it can be even on the still or vegetative levels), it interacts with the general picture of forces in the single balanced system and evokes a change of the entire system. However, the most important changes are caused by our desires and our thoughts. They are the strongest means to change the world’s balance...

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Why All Values Have Depreciated

Everything created in the 20th century was created so that man could relatively quickly connect himself with the entire world: with its culture, science, business, philosophy, and industrial progresses. So that he would be able to enter into unity with his environment during a small segment of time, and feel what was happening in the world, in his sphere of life, and adapt to it. He would feel how the world changes and develops, so that as a consequence he would be able to become imbued with the suffering of the entire world...

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There is No Coercion in Spirituality

What is the life of a Kabbalist? First of all, for him it is an ordinary life. Why is it ordinary? Because there is a law in Kabbalah that states “There is no coercion in spirituality.” Everything happens only according to what action one feels is correct. From outside, it is impossible to impose anything upon a person. So you may find a thousand and one books filled with advice, various laws and customs, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with the truth. Kabbalah says nothing about how a Kabbalist should behave...

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Who is a Kabbalist

Does a person who starts studying the science of Kabbalah withdraw from our world and distance himself or herself from daily life? Maybe he no longer cares about his family, work, children, or humanity and all of our human concerns cease to exist for him? Maybe he looks down on us from above, scornfully thinking, "What are these little people so busy with?"...

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