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Making Sure Life Doesn’t Teach Us with a Rod

– You say that a child has to be raised in a way that lets him perceive the world holistically from early childhood.

–Yes, only this way. After all, we are in a global world. This is already clear to many people. After all, we teach children to be adapted to the world.

– Is it a good idea to place a globe in front of a 3 year old child and spin it around?

– Certainly, even before the age of 3. Even if he still doesn’t understand what a globe is, let him play with this ball. The child will retain an impression of it.

You might not be aware of it, but there are pictures in your subconscious, recollections from a very early age, practically from age 0 and up to one year old. They can be evoked: There you are lying down, you are being diapered, fed, and washed. You don’t see yourself or the world yet, but something is already there. In every baby, there is an adult looking out from the inside, while the body is still small. We don’t notice it because we pay attention only to the body.

The images and ideas that a child grasps before the age of 9 or 10 are the foundation of his development. After that he only forms and realizes them, but it’s no longer possible to change anything.

If we don’t build the right foundations in a child, if we don’t give him the right upbringing during these years, it will be impossible to raise him afterwards. He will already have other ideas, other examples of behavior and relationships. Therefore, it has to be done literally from age 0, or at least starting with age 3.

– When teachers and parents interact with children, they come up against the problem that it is difficult to work with the child because he is very unstable. One moment he’s running around, and the next moment he’s yelling, falling on the floor, and wallowing there. Or, he can leave the room because that’s what he felt like doing all of a sudden. Should we limit him or somehow use this dynamic?

– You shouldn’t do anything to him. You have to create a deliberately integral environment around him. That’s all. This means that in that environment he depends on everyone and everyone depends on him. He has to understand this without explanations, but if necessary, you can explain it to him by showing him the world.

Who are you? You are a guide to the world in which he found himself. This means that you have to show him this world and demonstrate how it works. Show him how you treat others, how others treat you, how you share with others and do something for them. He has to see all of this.

And gradually, based on these extremely subtle interconnections, show him that if he doesn’t participate in everything together with everyone and does not take others into consideration, if he does not desire to be integrally connected with them, then others won’t treat him the way he wants either. And this is the reason for his suffering.

Then a child will start to understand this system from the inside, to study it from life. After all, life is teaching us with a rod, with little disappointments: This is how you were treated, this is what your mom or babysitter did, or the children around you. That is, he has to receive punishment, but also the appropriate reward for having the right attitude to the integral environment.

– Suppose that during some common activity, a child came up to the teacher and kicked him. This actually happens.

– If you take an unprepared child from the street and bring him into this kind of system, then of course he will experience horrible states because he will not understand anything.

We are talking about children who started receiving the right upbringing from birth. We have to make our lives easier in some way. We cannot break children who have already formed egoistically, so we have to start with children who have been prepared.

After that, it is possible to gradually begin to accept uncorrected children into this environment, meaning those who grew up in the uncorrected environment. Once we have a strong environment, we can introduce others into it and correct them. That’s because correction happens only under the influence of others’ example.

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