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Playing until We Achieve Total Equivalence with Nature

– According to game theory, the most important component of a game is the rules. Should these rules be fixed or should they be subject to change?

– They constantly change because we constantly delve deeper into ourselves and into the surrounding world, constantly discovering ourselves as globally connected on deeper layers. Nature is integral and global on its every level; there is not a single atom in the universe that does not evoke changes in the entire universe whenever it changes. This globality is total. The problem is that we still cannot feel this system, and therefore cannot govern the human society.

Can you imagine that the ideal state that Nature has set for us is one where any movement we make—physical, integral, on the level of desires or in our minds—must be in total harmony with the entire universe!? It’s simply inconceivable what we have to reach, how we have to experience Nature at the end of our development. But Nature will bring us to that.

Comparing ourselves to this global, integral nature, and continuously moving toward it contains an element of play because there is a lot that we don’t know. We don’t know our next step. We have to somehow anticipate it, and act it out. Maybe we can act it out and somehow implement it in our society, possibly in parts of society where we are studying this phenomenon that we want to introduce into our immediate environment or into the general human society.

There are many game elements like that, which pertain more to research than to a game. But research is also kind of a game. And since we are studying Nature and ourselves on increasingly deeper levels, since the integral nature is becoming increasingly clearer, the game is constant all the way through total equivalence with Nature, a state that we cannot imagine today.

However, we can suppose that this is what Nature has enacted and instilled, and that this is where Nature is leading us. Apparently, egoism was deliberately created in man, to make it possible for him to play, meaning to develop, all the way to the point of understanding, awareness, adaptation, and even participation in the governance of this entire, integral nature.

– Are there any qualities or characteristics in behavior that can revoke this opportunity and prevent one from developing?

– If he doesn’t agree; if he opposes the integral system. And we will see this very quickly, first in the example of countries whose regime brutally suppresses people’s ability to develop integrally.

What does “integral development” mean? At this stage, fundamentalist regimes seem closer to actualizing integration because they unite society, leading people under their slogan, symbol, or flag. At a certain point along the way, they might appear more successful and more corresponding to integration, at least within their specific country. But afterwards they will start positioning themselves against everyone else, against the more global government. At that point they will naturally start crumbling. Their destruction will evoke enormous changes, their inner reconstruction. As a result, every fundamentalist regime and society will come in conscious contact with its own people and with others. And because these regimes are egoistic—yet internally connected with their egos—on the one hand they'll appear to be working in companionship, seemingly in a form that matches Nature. But on the other hand, their bonding will be only to succeed in destroying others, which makes them opposite from Nature. For this reason we'll see them having short-lived success, where the bonding between them prevails, but eventually, we will see their ruin once their opposition from Nature manifests.

We should study these phenomena, but from the viewpoint of every part and everyone as a whole coming closer to global unity.

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