Practice, Example, and Interaction

– An employee of one educational center, where several thousands of children study, watched our programs and became very interested. Her question was, “Is it possible to already start introducing certain elements of this method to a regular school? Or is this a cohesive method that simply won’t work piecemeal?”

– This method can also be applied in parts, in any form, and it doesn’t matter in what sequence. I think that the broadcast has to be done from the television center where this method is being developed. Experienced groups of children and educators will be invited there who demonstrate—literally on themselves—all the possible methods of work: debates, explanations, court hearings, various games, and communication.

This will be interesting for children and will guarantee a reliable job for educators. Simultaneously, we can send them aids. There’s no problem delivering our message to any place and getting immediate feedback. Everything has to be made interactive.

– What principle will we encourage teachers to realize once they already have a work area, children, and questions? What has to happen first and what should be delayed for now?

– It depends on the age of the children. There has to be a strict division by age. There is a method that is suitable for children literally starting with ages 3-6, then 6-9, then 9-12 or 13, and so on.

If we are working with the age groups of 3-6 or 6-9, there is no place for theory or extensive explanations, only practice. At this age children study this world by putting everything in their mouths, feeling it with their hands. That is how they derive their sensations. Their entire research of the world is sensual rather than verbal. But older kids should receive explanations and write things down.

After age 9 a child needs explanations parallel to actions, answering questions such as, “What did we do and why?” “We have just carried out several successive actions; what did we accomplish by them?” The system is immediately made clear, a person receives explanations, and becomes his own educator.

Children over 13 already need a strictly logical approach: from where, why, what is Nature, geography, and history. They must receive an explanation of our current state and why we are obligated to interconnect, why we can be connected either by bad bonds or good ones, what is most beneficial for us, and where do we have to arrive in the end.

And of course, when working with adults, the first thing they need is not games, but explanations, such as expanded talk-shows. And of course, it has to be done in a respectable manner.

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