Campaigning for Our Lives

Mutual guarantee is like a sphere that grows by connecting opposites. True, we are different in every way—in our thoughts, our habits, our characters, and in our bodies. But at the same time, we understand that reality dictates that we unite and work together. A society that projects the message that mutual guarantee is the fundamental law of life will make us not only understand this concept intellectually, but will strive to implement it in our daily lives. Just as good advertising creates such a buzz around a new product or service that we feel compelled to buy it, creating a buzz around the concept of mutual guarantee will make us feel that we just have to have it, have to feel what it’s like to live that way.

A systematic and consistent building of a society with global thinking will make each of us develop an inclusive perception of the world. Instead of “me” and “them,” we will begin to see reality as “we” or “us.” We will shift from wanting personal gratification to wanting gratification for the general populace. Our viewpoint will expand from personal to collective, and new insights will evoke within us.

“Multiplicity is only apparent. In truth, there is only one mind.”

Erwin Schrödinger, physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics [78]

[78] Appears in “The Oneness of Mind,” as translated in Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists, edited by Ken Wilber (USA, Shambhala Publications, Inc., Revised edition, April 10, 2001), 87

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