On the Eighth Day

1) Happy are Israel for the Creator gave them the holy Torah, which is the joy of everything, the joy of the Creator and the place where He roams, as it is written, “and I was daily all delight,” and the whole Torah is one holy name of the Creator. And the world was created in the Torah, as it is written, “Then I was beside Him as trusted [Amun].” Dot not read it as Amun, but as Uman [a master craftsman], as she was His tool for creating the world.

8) All those who engage in Torah cling to the Creator and are crowned in the decorations of Torah. They are loved above and below, and the Creator offers them His right hand, mercy. It is even more so with those who engage in Torah at night, as well, for they have established that they partake in Divinity and join together. And when the morning comes, the Creator decorates them with a single string of grace, so they will be among the higher and among the lower.

42) “Remember, O Lord, Thy compassions and Thy mercies, for they are from the world.” “Remember… Thy compassions” is Jacob, and “Thy mercies” is Abraham. “…they are from the world” means that the Creator took them from the world and raised them, and made them into a holy chariot to protect the world. And because they are from the world, He remembers them, to protect the world and to have mercy on it. Similarly, the Creator takes righteous from the world and raises them, to protect the world.

117) The Creator is destined to purify Israel. With what will He purify them? With what is written, “And I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be pure.” These are the waters of mercy, which clothe and include the illumination of the left, from which the purity comes. And since they are purified, they are sanctified, for they cling to the sanctity of ZA, which has the Mochin of AVI, called, “holiness.” And Israel, who cling to the Creator, are called, “holiness,” as it is written… “And you shall be holy men unto Me.”

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