103- The Unification of ZON

“‘And Judah approached him.’ Rabbi Elazar started, ‘For You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us and Israel does not recognize us; You, Lord, are our Father, our Redeemer from of old is Your name.’ In the Sulam [Ladder commentary on The Zohar], ‘You are our father’ means Malchut. It means You are our root, for Malchut is called ‘You are our root.’”

“‘Abraham does not know us,’ for although the existence of the world is in him, for he is the meaning of Hesed [mercy], as it is written, ‘A world of mercy shall be built,’ he did not entreat for us as he entreated for Ishmael, when he said, ‘Oh that Ishmael might live before You?’ ‘And Israel does not recognize us … our Redeemer from of old is Your name.’” Malchut is called “redeemer,” and she is also called “the redeeming angel.” This is the meaning of “our Redeemer from of old is Your name.”

We learned that there is no cessation between redemption and prayer, and between the hand Tefillin and the head Tefillin.

Judah is called Malchut, a prayer. Joseph is called Yesod, who is the giver. For this reason, he is called “redeemer,” and there is no cessation between redemption and prayer. Rather, they must be united. There must not be a stop between the hand Tefillin, called Malchut, and the head Tefillin, called “the giver,” and we must make the unification.

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