149- “Land” Is the Kingdom of Heaven

“And I will also establish My covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan.” Because they were circumcised, they inherited the land, as it is written, “And Your people are all righteous, they will forever inherit the land” (The Zohar, Vaera, Item 20).

We should ask about the connection between circumcision and land. It is written that for the circumcision, meaning because he was circumcised, they inherited the land.

The thing is that “land” is called the “kingdom of heaven,” which is the instilling of the Shechina [Divinity]. Hence, one who is there, who threw away from himself the foreskin, called “the three impure Klipot [shells/peels]” that extend from the will to receive, and took upon himself the Tzimtzum [restriction] not to use the vessels of reception, is worthy of the instilling of the Shechina, called “land of Israel,” meaning the “land of Kedusha [holiness].”

There are three discernments in meeting “this villain”: draw him to the seminary, read the Shema reading, and remind him of the day of death.

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