232- Bribing the Sitra Achra

We should understand the difference between Yenika [suction/nursing] to the Klipa [shell/peel] and Kedusha [holiness], which is the prohibition between the part that is given to the Sitra Achra [other side], which is permitted, such as a goat to Azazel [scapegoat], and so forth.

It is said in The Zohar that the part that is given to the Sitra Achra is so he will not slander (see “Introduction of The Book of Zohar,” concerning Abraham not wanting to give to the poor one).

By a corporeal allegory, we should interpret it as a person who smokes a cigarette in order to be able to scrutinize some matter better, where by the body enjoying the smoking, he can concentrate his mind and the body does not resist him. This is regarded as giving a part to the Sitra Achra so he will not slander.

But sometimes a person wants to smoke not so that the body will not object to learning, but simply because he wants to enjoy the pleasure of smoking. This is regarded as Yenika to the Klipa.

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