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The Language of Kabbalistic Music

Spiritual sensations can also be transmitted using the language of music. The advantage of this language is that even a person who has not mastered any other Kabbalistic language, not yet seeing the spiritual information, can be emotionally inspired even if a little, by the sensations of the spiritual world experienced by a Kabbalist who created this music. This is feasible because the melody that enters a person penetrates him without any resistance, for it is not transformed by thought or mind, perception or analysis. Rather, it strikes the heart directly. Without realizing it, a person starts sensing from within himself or herself certain actions carried out by music or what is hidden it in.

What is so interesting and special about Kabbalistic music? It is what a Kabbalist senses in the spiritual world. He senses the Upper World, the manifestation of the Creator. This manifestation can be expressed in a form of poems, songs, melodies, etc. – in any possible forms of recording inner sensations of man. However, out of all the languages, all ways of delivering information from person to person, the language of music is the most immediate, the most accessible, the most direct, requiring no explanations. It is built of the fact that we share common feelings, common perception, and this is because we belong to the human species populating this planet. This music makes approximately the same effect on people of completely different mentality, who are not used to this kind of music.

When you listen to the Kabbalistic melodies, simply try sensing them directly, open up for their perception, so that these melodies can exert a direct influence upon you, penetrating you directly. Later you will see and feel that listening to these melodies, even from time to time, gives you the same results as many hours of serious Kabbalistic studies. These melodies articulate the connection between man and the Creator. This connection consists of two components: the desire (Kli, the spiritual vessel, the soul) and filling with the Light (sensing the Creator). If a person, a Kabbalist, wants to show how he perceives the Creator, what desire he employs to approach Him, we hear sad music. On the other hand, if he talks about fulfillment of his desires, we perceive such music as light, joy, and occasionally as sweet yearning.

Although Kabbalistic melodies sound sad, have a melancholic tint to them, we should realize that we only hear them this way. You nevertheless have to keep in mind that a Kabbalist sensing these melodies feels enthusiasm, greatness, and sublimity. Meaning, this is something that just lifts you up and keeps you in the air. Kabbalistic melodies convey precisely this sensation, so do not apprehend them as suffering, but as admiration, ascension, as a flavor of being connected with the Creator.

All Kabbalistic melodies express certain spiritual states. While it is beneficial to listen to them, we should constantly remember that while doing so, we try penetrating the information which gets transferred in the process of listening, since these sounds also contain a wave that neither our hearing or heart is able to pick up. Music affects our "Reshimot", our informational, spiritual genes, from within. This wave develops them. This way, we start to sense more subtle spiritual layers.

Question: For some reason, when I listen to the Kabbalistic music, I get sad. But music exists in order to uplift one's mood, doesn't it?

If you existed at the levels recounted by this music, you would dissolve in the ocean of bounty, delight, and the light as a child does in the hands of his mother. However, since the light of this music comes to you from afar, it carries all the information of all the rungs that separate you and the degree from which this music emanates. In these sounds, you hear suffering, longing of the Kelim-vessels-souls for the light.

But as you ascend higher and higher, instead of melancholy you feel more and more tenderness and bliss from uniting with the Beloved. Music is suffering for the remote and delight for the intimate. It is like when you are hungry but see a smorgasbord, your hunger is joy and delight. But if you are hungry and the table is empty, then this hunger brings you suffering.

Reveal the Creator – the Source of perfection, eternity, delight, and you will not feel your desire as suffering; it will be the means for feeling life!

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