
The Mitzva is the Kli (vessel) where the Light is clothed, meaning a Holy Name that belongs specifically to that Mitzva. This is the meaning of “The Mitzva is a candle and the Torah is Light.”

Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the book,

From the Mouth of a Sage”


Mitzvot are called Mitzva [commandment] after the Dvekut [adhesion], for attaches the Godly part within one to the entire Ein Sof, from the word Tzavta (together).

Rabbi Menahem Nachum Twersky of Chernobyl,

Maor Einayim [Light of the Eyes], VaYera


The primary reward from the Mitzva [commandment] is the Metzaveh [the commander], which is the Godly adhesion and the spiritual delight in carrying out the Mitzva, which is the reception of the face of Divinity. Without that, it would be called Mitzva vacuously, for it would be without vitality or soul, and would only be the body of the Mitzva. Indeed, it is called “a Mitzva” only for the passion and the adhesion of the Godly part that dwells within to the Root, with all the parts of Israel. It is known that in every Godly work, both in speech and in action, there are body and soul, reviving that speech or that action. Without it, it would have no livelihood. This is why the wicked in their lives are called “dead,” for their actions are devoid of livelihood.

Rabbi Menahem Nachum Twersky of Chernobyl,

Maor Einayim [Light of the Eyes], VaYera


There are 613 Mitzvot, and in each Mitzva a light of a unique degree is deposited, which corresponds to a unique organ in the 613 organs and tendons of the souls and the body. It follows that while performing the Mitzva, one extends to the corresponding organ in his soul and body, the degree of light that belongs to that organ and tendon.

Rabash, Rabash—the Social Writings,

“The Importance of a Prayer of Many”

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