A Limited Ability to Act

Q: Does the ability to lead the world necessarily demand purification?

A: Yes. To the extent that we purify, we merit the right to determine our own destiny. Otherwise, we might harm ourselves and others.

For example, nature doesn’t give its powers to an infant, for fear he might harm himself. Nature determines that the powers that a person receives be proportional to one’s knowledge of how to use them.

The rule that applies in the wisdom of Kabbalah is that a person will never be allowed into the spiritual world and perform a spiritual act that pertains to a greater measure of correction than one’s own for fear of harming self or others. That is why the spiritual forces that correct a person place one at a certain degree, and only in that measure is one included in the system of the leadership. Hence, there is nothing to be afraid of, because man cannot do anything of his own choice, but only out of his degree.

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