A New Approach to Welfare

Q: The question,” How can I help the world?” bothers me all the time. Should I use Kabbalah for that?

A: How do you intend to help the world? Even if you can help all the poor and homeless people on earth, what can you really influence? Mankind is beginning to understand that this is the wrong approach.

We cannot correct anything with a direct approach, but only through the Upper World. If we try to do something directly, we are manipulated from Above in such a way that we feel more pain and uselessness and misery.

The contradiction is that the harder we try to do good to our world, the worse it turns out to be. The world is now far from creating new Hitlers and concentration camps. Therefore, we have to stop trying to improve the world that way, because everything we do is turned to evil!

If we become ill, there are doctors to help us. The doctor has permission to cure. It is a spiritual law. We do have to build welfare systems in the world, but we cannot correct the world this way. The correction of the world can only be accomplished from Above, where it is controlled.

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