What is Your School of Judaism?

Q: Which school of Judaism do you belong to?

A: I belong to the only ancient ever-existing school, which was started by Abraham, the very first Jew. Upon the destruction of the Temples, as a result of a spiritual downfall, various “schools” of Judaism emerged because, as Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag writes in his Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot (item.1), an iron wall has been erected between us and the science of Kabbalah. Since then “schools,” “currents,” and “parties” emerged.

Kabbalists never related themselves to anything, since their course has always been directed towards uniting with the Creator, and there is only one method to achieve that goal – Kabbalah. We are not connected with any “schools” or “streams” that were formed to reflect a character, a way of life, or a relation to Zionism.

These worldly relations produce various communities, sects, parties, call it what you will. Since we do not take into account anything material, believing that man should confine himself to his aspirations to the Creator, there is no basis for defining any other “schools” beside the one we mentioned and to which we belong.

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