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Discussion about Lecture in Arosa, Lesson by Rav Michael Laitman PhD, 15.03.06 – 29.03.06


Lecture in Arosa - lesson 1

You all take part in the lessons of The Last Generation where Baal HaSulam explains what state we are in now. This state actually began more than a hundred years ago with the first immigration wave, and even before this, when we began to return to the land of Israel. Along with this the wisdom of Kabbalah started to be revealed...

Discussion about Lecture in Arosa, Talk 3

Through attaining nature’s unity under the principle of “one for all,” we begin to perceive the uniqueness of the human phenomenon and its place in the world. The peculiarity of humans, compared to the rest of nature, lies not only in the power and nature of human desires, but in the fact that human desires are continuously changing and evolving. Thus, human desires are the motivating force that propels and develops civilization...

Discussion about Lecture in Arosa - Talk 5

While researching the surrounding world, we discover the connection among all of its parts, their cause-and-effect development and purpose of actions. The development of human society and globalization compelled us to see the world as a single, complete entity which consists of opposites...

Discussion about Lecture in Arosa - Talk 7

According to scientists, altruists make up approximately 10% of humanity. The percentage of altruists in society is constant. This percentage is genetically conditioned, and exists irrespective of such external conditions as the influence of family, education, and society. Altruists do not disappear...

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