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Kabbalah Books

An Introduction to Kabbalah Books Intended for Our Generation's Spiritual Ascent


Kabbalah books describe the feelings of a person who simultaneously lives in our world and the spiritual world. A Kabbalist is a person who has achieved, or who has been granted, a feeling of the spiritual world.

Through the study of Kabbalah books, written by a Kabbalist who can describe his feelings of the spiritual world in a way that we can correctly understand, we can develop the required organs of sensation that can enable us to feel the spiritual world. We could then have the ability to see our past and future states, as there is no time in the spiritual world. We could thus traverse time, and live in two worlds simultaneously.

Kabbalah books contain a strong spiritual force, a methodology and a descriptive technique that enables a person studying under a Kabbalist teacher's guidance, following the proper methodology, to ultimately reach the level of the author. This is why it is important to know which books to study.

Throughout history, there have been various authors and books applying different methodologies. We thus have to choose wisely because historical experience tells us which books better help us in our spiritual progression; which books help us to attain the spiritual world and navigate there.


Kabbalah Books for Our Generation


Talmud Eser Sefirot (The Study of the Ten Sefirot)
Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) wrote books and articles aimed at progressing our generation to a sensation of the spiritual world at the fastest possible pace. His six-volume set Talmud Eser Sefirot (The Study of the Ten Sefirot) is the principal Kabbalah text for our generation.

Talmud Eser Sefirot is a complete re-editing and commentary to the seminal works of the great 16th century Kabbalist the Ari. This is a comprehensive exposition of the system of the upper worlds, Partzufim and Sefirot, in the scientific language of Kabbalah which was developed by the Ari.

As a core Kabbalistic text, it is especially unique in its utmost precision to detail to the structural organization and processes occurring in the spiritual world. It is set out as a comprehensive textbook, complete with commentaries, a section in each chapter dedicated to further reflection upon the commentaries, definitions of terms, tables of questions and answers, an introduction clarifying how to study Kabbalah in the correct manner, and also a summarized preface of the entire text.

The Articles of Baal HaSulam
Baal HaSulam's articles define the wisdom of Kabbalah in the context of its present realization and role in humanity. Such articles substantiate what exactly is the wisdom of Kabbalah, eliminating any misleading concepts one may encounter. They offer detailed insight into what comprises the essence of the teaching; through comparison with other teachings, displaying where Kabbalah differs from religion, philosophy, and other scientific methods of investigating nature; and through the analysis of issues which have perplexed humanity for generations, such as the essence of human nature, creation and evolution, free will, perception and reality, human suffering and world peace.

Shamati (I Heard)
The notebook Shamati (I Heard) is a collection of essays given as talks by Baal HaSulam about the individual's inner work. These were written down by his son and disciple Rabbi Baruch Ashlag (Rabash), and were exclusively passed onto Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, who published them. Baal HaSulam's Igrot (Letters) to his students also encounter the processes and states in the inner work of one who is spiritually progressing.

Essays on Individual and Group Work
Rabash's essays expand upon the teaching of the inner work of individuals and groups in Baal HaSulam's method. Such articles appear in the books Dargot HaSulam (Steps of the Ladder) and Shlavey HaSulam (Rungs of the Ladder).

Kabbalah Introductory Books and Commentaries by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD
The daily lectures of Rav Michael Laitman, PhD are based upon teaching the above materials to both advanced and beginner students. Rav Laitman has also written over 30 books and hundreds of articles on the wisdom of Kabbalah. These serve to introduce people to the writings of the Kabbalists Baal HaSulam and Rabash, and to gain a basic understanding of the wisdom, in a more accessible language for people in all walks of life.

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