Daily Kabbalah Lesson

The Daily Page - 09-01-11

The Daily Page is a collection of excerpts taken from the daily Kabbalah lesson with Dr. Michael Laitman and Bnei Baruch

How to Become a Hero


Question: What were the final efforts you made before the Creator answered you? What did you do before passing the Machsom?

Dr. Laitman's Answer: The question is incorrect because this happens unexpectedly. What works is the sum of all the different efforts, some of which you do not even suspect are there. Only later, when you sort out the "accumulated collection" do you start to understand that everything you went through was necessary for you to attain what you just attained.

However, as long as the end result of all the efforts is not revealed to you, you do not know how much is left. That is why it is impossible to say that some specific effort brought you to completion.

Question: What was special about your efforts?

Answer: I think nothing besides patience, persistence, and consistency (of course, with the background of worries and everything related to them). Baal HaSulam writes about this in the famous example in Item 133 of Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot: "And only the heroes among them, whose patience endured, defeated the guards and opened the gate. And they were instantly awarded seeing the King's face...."

Who is a hero? It's a person who had enough patience, who did everything possible not to veer off the path.


From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 01/09/11, Writings of Rabash


So You Want to Ascend? Ask the Driver!


Question: What do we have to do so The Zohar will find its way into the deepest recesses of the heart, into our desires and thoughts?

Dr. Laitman's Answer: Open your heart. Nothing else is needed. The most important thing is not to despair and not to relax, and to make efforts precisely when the going gets rough. The article "Donkey Driver" in the Introduction of The Zohar is exactly the place where it explains that when you are walking along and your "donkey" (in Hebrew "donkey" is "Hamor," originating from the word "Homer," matter, the will to enjoy) can no longer carry its burden, you are sent a "donkey driver" that helps your donkey to ascend.

This driver stings the donkey with a sharp stick and it's unpleasant. However, it makes you move forward. Therefore, if you agree to have a driver like that, you will receive him. But you have to ask for these "stings."

Question: I know how to ask for good things, but how can I ask for the stings of the donkey driver?

Answer: If I don't identify myself with my ego and want to be liberated from it, then I think the opposite: The more stings it receives, the more able I am to distance myself from it, to run away from it and ascend above it.

These stings do not wound me, but my ego. If I separate and detach from it, then we are separated by a distance and I therefore do not feel the sting that passes over it. The sting comes only in order for me to part with my ego. Then I don't perceive these blows as happening to me, but to my "Pharaoh," and in the meantime I ascend.

From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 01/09/11, The Zohar


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