Daily Kabbalah Lesson

The Daily Page - 15-03-10

The Daily Page is a collection of excerpts taken from the daily Kabbalah lesson with Dr. Michael Laitman and Bnei Baruch

The Book of Zohar Won’t Let Us Delude Ourselves


When we read The Book of Zohar, we understand that it talks about qualities, forms, and images that we don't perceive yet. It is precisely this sensation of not understanding that pushes us forward and makes us form the right perception.

If we read other Kabbalistic books, then we might perceive everything in a purely mechanical manner, with our mind, or in the form of material pictures. Then we will be satisfied with the perception that lowers all the concepts to the level of our world, without understanding that they are all imaginary. Alternatively, we might consider them spiritual, yet merely theoretical.

In contrast, The Book of Zohar with Baal HaSulam's Commentary forces us to search for a new perception and to unite these two images. This results in the emergence of the true perception of reality. A person doesn't understand how it happens, but the book works on him and he gradually acquires a new perception.


Life Behind The Looking Glass


As long as we exist in the perception of this world alone, we cannot understand that it is imaginary. Right now, matter is the only reality we know and we don't feel anything else. Yet, our objective is to start to clearly perceive the world on two levels: the material and the spiritual. Then we will understand that one of them is imaginary. This doesn't mean it does not exist; "imaginary" means it is a reflection of the true form, whereas the second, spiritual form is the real thing.

There is something that's authentic, and then there is a reflection of it, like in a mirror. You can't say that the reflection doesn't exist. Moreover, it is precisely the reflection that enables us to come to the perception of the true, spiritual form.

One never perceives the spiritual form separately, by itself. On the path of correction, a person continually develops a greater spiritual perception of the forms of the Creator, but he reveals them within the imaginary form of this world. Therefore, we cannot detach from it until we ascend all 125 degrees of the spiritual ladder.

Along the entire path of correction, on all the phases of attainment, one's spiritual perception constantly grows stronger while being based on these two forms: the imaginary and the real. The imaginary form is only called imaginary. But do we really imagine our world? After all, we live in it-this is our current reality.

The true reality is the realm from which forces, decisions, and facts come to us, while only their reflection exists in this world in order to help us attain the true reality. When we begin to attain it, we call this world "imaginary." Yet, it isn't some non-existent fantasy, but is necessary for us to discern spirituality.


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